What's New/Coming Up

Tuesday, 18th February 2025 2.30pm to 4.30pm Garden Talk Keith Hine, 'Plants for Free' St Nicholas Church Hall, Thames Ditton 

Tuesday 15th April 2025 7pm to 9pm Garden Talk Sally Wooding 'The Therapy Garden', St Nicholas Church Hall Thames Ditton

Molesey Carnival Date to be confirmed

Tuesday 17th June 2025 7pm to 9pm Garden Talk Gerald Smith 'My Life in Gardening', St Nicholas Church Hall, Thames Ditton

Tuesday 22nd July 2025, Garden Visit to Great Comp (for information and booking form go to Events and Trips) 

Annual Flower Show 16th August 2025 2pm to 4pm, St Nicholas Church Hall, Thames Ditton

Tuesday 21 October 2025 2.30pm to 4.30pm Garden Talk Julie Verity 'William Robinson - The Wild Gardener', St Nicholas Church Hall, Thames Ditton



Esher Molesey Garden Society (EMGS) asks for and keeps contact details for its members, and EMGS undertakes to ensure that this information is kept up to date, secure and is only used as stated and required.

Personal details:

Members are asked to complete a membership application form with contact details of name, address, telephone number, and email address. Members are asked to complete a renewal form for membership each year to confirm their continued membership.

Data use:

This data is used by EMGS to send members newsletters, invitations to events, and notify members about specific EMGS events and activities. Personal consent: The membership form will also ask applicants to confirm that they are happy for EMGS to retain and use their details for the purposes as stated. Members can request to check the details we hold for them or ask for their details to be deleted at any time. Data for anyone not continuing membership will be deleted.

Data security:

Members details will be kept securely and the full list is only accessible to the Chairman, Treasurer and Membership Secretary and will never be passed on to others. The Trading Depot retains a membership name check-list only.

Please note that it is essential that all members ensure EMGS have their up to date details.