SUNDAY OCTOBER 16, 2022 Coverwood Lakes
Coverwood Lakes offers 14-acres of landscaped garden in a stunning position high in the Surrey Hills with four lakes and bog garden, featuring extensive rhododendrons, azaleas and fine trees. There is a 3½ acre lakeside arboretum and a marked trail through the 180-acre working farm with Hereford cows and calves, sheep and horses, and extensive views of the surrounding hills.
For this local Autumn visit, the day was shorter, departing at 10:30 and arriving back at 4pm. On arrival at Coverwood, we’ were welcomed by the owner who introduced us to the farm, gardens and told us about the farm shop, mobile kitchen and the weddings that are held there. After the introductory talk we were able to enjoy the Autumn colours in the gardens and farm.